The Real/Fake Reality

As I am further led down the path that is Authenticity, I am led to understand a number of things I knew but could not delineate properly. The first of those comes from Hamlet, as Polonius says to his son Laertes: This above all-to thine own self be true And as it must follow, as […]

See! I’m already doing better

First off, the books I am currently reading: The 48 Laws of Power by Robert GreeneAuthenticity by James Gilmore and Joseph PineWhite City Blues by Tim LottThe Richard Branson Way by Des DearloveGeorgia by John EdgeCulture Shock! Paris by Frances GendlinLife in the Jungle by Michael HeseltineAbsolutely American by David LipskyNet Worth by John Hegel […]

I’m back(but not from outer space)….

Sorry for the long absence. I made a pact with myself that I would post on this blog at least once a week, and then the business took over….I am happy to say that I have two happy(?) clients and now that the dust is settling I also have the time to prospect for new […]