How to organize a Tweet up

Great article from Best events….. ___________________________________________________ Twitter meet-ups, or Tweetups as they’re commonly called, are pretty much ubiquitous these days. Despite the random awkward conversations that can result when you have more than 140 characters to express yourself, Tweetups take an otherwise great service like Twitter and turn it into something much bigger. Why? Because […]

Sixteen Reasons Why Your Social Media Isn’t Working

Great article and a good reminder to get back to basics on social media…

LinkedIn Is Lead Gen Leader in Customer Conversion

from min B2B As more consumers engage with social media, two trends within the b2b arenaare becoming clear: b2b marketers are expanding their social media footprint,and the resultant value of these efforts— including lead generation and customerconversion—are crystallizing. This year there are an estimated 127 million users of social networks. Thatnumber is expected to increase […]