Is Event Innovation Overrated?

Jessica Levin is a well known Engagement Expert, and since I am fascinated with the relevance of attendee engagement and innovation, I asked her to guest write this column. Hope you enjoy her thoughts as much as I did! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Over the last few years there has been a strong movement to make events innovative. […]

How can you get this ‘event engagement thing’ to make money?

In some recent posts I’ve mentioned the different roles – the different “guys” – who are involved in the creation, management, and execution of events. Each type of role has something to contribute to the success of a particular event. But when I look beyond an individual event at the broader trends within the business, […]

How to Get to the Next Level in the Events Business in One Month

In an earlier blog post, I reviewed the three styles of an event manager and I promised to help you determine which one you are and how you might acquire the characteristics of the others. Having the attributes of all three styles can be important, as all are contributors to the origination, development and execution […]