The AI Threat: What You Must Do Now to Save Your Events Industry Role

Your current job in the events business, no matter how secure it feels, is on borrowed time. This isn’t a call to panic, but an opportunity to seize the opportunity to move up the value chain with your company and become more strategic and critical to the success of your events. To thrive in the new AI-driven landscape, event professionals must evolve their skills and embrace change. Here’s how:

1) Read
To stay relevant, you must constantly update your knowledge both inside and outside the industry. I recommend reading the news relevant to the events industry, books on self-improvement, or any non-fiction. I have found ideas relevant to my writing and my work from articles and books which have nothing to do with this industry which have made a difference to my expertise. It’s an easy thing to do and I suggest reading at least one book a month. Find the time by turning off the screen and putting your cell phone down.

2) Get in Front of Your Customers—AI Can’t Replace Human Connection
AI can’t replicate the trust and rapport that comes from personal interactions. Make it a priority to engage directly with your customers, no matter what your position. Pick up the phone and call them, walk the floor at your event, and have real conversations to understand why they’re there. If you’re not regularly interacting with your customers, it’s time to start now. The more you engage, the better you understand their needs—and the more essential you become to their success.

3) Take Ownership of Strategic Thinking for Your Job
AI can handle routine tasks, but it can’t match the creative, strategic vision that you bring to the table. The future belongs to those who can develop innovative ideas that align with their company’s goals and adapt to industry changes. Focus on becoming the person who consistently generates these thoughtful and incisive ideas. If you’re unsure where to begin, start by reading up on strategy development to sharpen your skills (or call me to help you). The more you lead with strategic insight, the more valuable you become.

4) Use Your Unique Background to Tap into Your Future Creativity
Your personal and professional experiences shape a perspective AI can’t replicate. Use this to your advantage by drawing on your unique background to bring fresh, creative approaches to event planning, execution, and strategy. Y our creativity remains a critical asset as AI continues to evolve.

5) Learn the Context and Reason for What You Are Doing
AI can process data, but it can’t understand the nuances or rationale behind decisions. Knowing the “why” behind what you do ensures you can adapt intelligently and make better decisions when facing new challenges. Mastering the context allows you to think critically—something AI cannot yet achieve. When you understand what your customers want and find valuable, this gives you an unrivaled edge when you are making decisions on tactics and strategy.

6) View AI as a Tool, not a Crutch
AI should enhance your work, not replace your value, if you proceed correctly. Use it to automate repetitive tasks, freeing you up for higher-value activities like strategic thinking, client relationships, and creativity. Recognize that AI expands your capacity to do more, but it should never become a substitute for human insight. When your superiors see you using tools to make yourself more productive, you become more strategic and valuable.

7) Make a Commitment to Self-Improvement
Your greatest asset is your ability to evolve and provide future value. Commit to continuously improving your skill set, whether by using AI or any other training. This also includes refining your industry expertise, knowledge, engagement with customers and cultivating emotional intelligence—qualities that will set you apart in an increasingly automated world.

8) Learn a Skill Unrelated to Your Job
Diversifying your skill set can make you more adaptable and resilient. Learn something outside of your usual scope—whether it’s a new language, coding, public speaking or even volunteer for something unattached to our role at your current employer. This not only enhances your problem-solving skills but also keeps your mind sharp and open to new ideas.

9) Develop Critical Thinking Skills
Critical thinking is key to thriving in an AI-driven future. AI can analyze data but lacks the ability to apply ethical reasoning, foresee long-term consequences, or engage in self-reflection. Strengthen your ability to question, analyze, and evaluate information from a human perspective, which will be essential as AI’s role grows.

10) Build Social Authenticity Naturally
In the events industry, social authenticity remains vital. Authentic human connections, built on trust and shared experiences, will continue to set you apart from those who don’t. Strengthen your emotional intelligence and leadership skills, as these will become even more valuable as AI takes over more transactional tasks.

11) Foster Innovation and Original Ideas
While AI can recombine existing information to generate novel ideas, humans remain uniquely capable of true innovation. Your ability to create new concepts and paradigms, rooted in emotional intelligence, creativity, and critical thinking, will remain irreplaceable. Use your experiences to foster innovative ideas that push the boundaries of what’s possible in the events industry.

12) Volunteer for New Tasks
Proactively seek opportunities to expand your responsibilities. Volunteering for new projects demonstrates initiative, flexibility, and a willingness to grow—qualities that are invaluable as roles evolve.


The future of the events industry isn’t about fighting AI—it’s about partnering with it to maximize your strengths. The AI tornado may be fast approaching, but by honing your critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence, you’ll not only survive but thrive. Focus on adaptability, continuous learning, and collaboration to secure your place in the future of events.

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