How you can have a Purple Cow event

I have a habit of buying business books then putting them in a pile to read later. I have considered a Kindle, but actually enjoy having a real book in my hand.  For last week’s trip to Atlanta/Austin I brought with me Purple Cow by Seth Godin. Here’s an article for those who interested in […]

The events business-what are the three levels of long term success?

I was ruminating about the three levels of success in the conference/trade show business. They are in order: 1) an event which attracts a quality audience of the right quantity; 2) an event does the above and makes a profit; 3) an event which does all of the above and people(sponsors, attendees, visitors, press) want […]

EastVirtual Event Workshop a Success- virtual events guidance which worked!

Got to love events, especially when it’s a small one and you and your partner get to be the chief cooks and bottle washers! A couple weeks ago we ran our annual event, the EastVirtual Event Workshop, and we were pleased to have over 40 people in the room, all consuming information on how to […]

How to create a great attendee experience

I was going through my archives and thought this was worth re-posting:   _______________________________________ I spoke with Scott Diament, the founder of a number of jewelry, art and antiques events, such as the Palm Beach Show.  I was quite impressed in the technology on their website, and realized that Scott was indeed inviting those who […]

I was going through my archives and thought this was worth re-posting:   _______________________________________   I spoke with Scott Diament, the founder of a number of jewelry, art and antiques events, such as the Palm Beach Show.  I was quite impressed in the technology on their website, and realized that Scott was indeed inviting those […]

Why I Love the Events Business

Stephanie Selesnick wrote a blog last week in EXPO asking What’s the coolest thing you think about our business?   Here’s my answer which I thought was worth re-posting here: At times, everyone gets jaded about deadlines, pressures, on the spot decisions while on the job. My most poignant memory was in 2005 when I […]

Virtual events: fantastic successes or pathetic failures?

In the continuing discussion on whether virtual events will succeed or fail in the associations and for profit events market, I get to read comments for and against virtual since I have my antennae up for such information. Given that Michelle Bruno and I have a dog in the fight (EastVirtual Event Workshop) I could […]

Questions to Develop Your Virtual Event Strategy

Love this post from my friend Joyce McKee of Let’s Talk Tradeshows:   Questions you should certainly ask before spending Big money!

The future of sales or why you still need to pick up the phone…

One of the many hats I wear, is as a sales guy.  Sales has really changed in the last ten years, and selling, especially what one might call ‘cold to warm calling’, given the impact of personalization and inbound marketing. In a way, inbound marketing has made selling easier,  as inbound leads are usually pre-sold […]