Spring time in Boston
Well in Boston we are ready for Spring after a long winter. Today’s it’s sunny and this week promises to be in the seventies, roll on summer! Despite the recession, and it certainly is starting to bite in the event space unfortunately, I have recently come across a number of event executives who actually INCREASE […]
I’m back from the pale…
Wow, it’s been a while since I posted here. I have been in the great situation of having alot of work and a little travel here and there which has kept me busy. The highlights: -Spring has sprung and in the Boston area we have had the fortune to have several days of 7o degree […]
Enjoying the Cold Sunshine
I took the time in the course of research last week to visit the AIIM Expo at the BCEC(Boston’s new massive convention center). It was nice to see an event pretty much fill the huge expo floor, dwarfing the first event in the hall, Macworld, which I ran in 2004. I always enjoy visiting events […]
Models for Profit
As I move forward with my business, I am interested in those who come up with new models for events, based upon what seems to the nirvana, getting C-level attendees in front of high paying sponsors, and doing in a way so the upfront risk is low and return high. Occasionally I see a few. […]
Rendering Authenticity Part Four
“People tend to consider offerings that honor some previous place, object, person, event or idea as authentic.” Thus starts the section in Authenticity on Reverential Authenticity. The principles: Pay a personal tribute Evoke a time Pick a place Make it matter Be realistic The only one here that made a real impact on me of […]
April 15th’s a coming
Just returned from meeting with my CPA about my taxes, ouch! I found out I owed a lot more than expected. Good and bad, as I guess I won’t making my annual trip to Germany for a while, the good news, I only have to pay money if I’m making money! As far as the […]
Rendering Authenticity Part Three
Greetings from Boston on a snowy Friday afternoon. The authors of Authenticity now turn their attention to Exceptional Authenticity. Now we are talking since this section talks about the delivery of service, which in business I feel is critical and often neglected. In talking about Ian Schrager’s conversion from hotels to luxury living, he mentions […]
Rendering Authenticity Part Two
So I continue down the path of understanding authenticity from a commercial perspective(although I feel free to digress into other areas). Things have been fast and furious on my end, accounting from my absence here. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. The book Authenticity continues with the idea that many retailers design their […]
Communicating Authentically
Funny how once you are focused on something, it appears to be drawn to you. I found this on another site: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/Communicating_Authentically.html Enjoy the day.
Rendering Authenticity and The Jam
Continuing my long drawn out reading of the book Authenticity, the authors talk about the most yearned for ‘authentic experience’ is one drawn from their own past, of times gone by. The rank order of things offered to customers are(from highest value to lowest): TransformationsExperiencesServicesGoodsCommodities A customer will pay highest for a transformation and lowest […]