What’s the best marketing tool to attract event attendees?

Q:“What’s the best marketing tool to attract attendees” -Karen, Boston A: Frequently the best tool to get attendees, both delegates and sponsors, is the attendees list itself. People like to know who and what level colleagues will be at an event . We’ve found publishing at least the title and company or company logos of […]

How to target and retain attendees

Q:“How do I figure out how to best target future attendees and keep them coming back?” -Kevin, Chicago A: Get to know them better by creating Target Personas. Being able to serve up relevant content as a lead generator in the manner and timing which suits your prospective attendee will give you competitive advantage!

It’s all about the people

I’ve had the fortune this week of speaking with some smart people who are doing neat things, Colin Crawford at Conferize and Brian Perkins of Highliner Events. Both are working on vehicles or events where the emphasis is on “who’s there” rather than “what’s there.”, In other words, they are forwarding the idea that the […]