I both and love the week after Christmas. Love it because you seem to have alot of extra time to get to those things that you’ve put off. Hate it because noone else is around and if your work counts on others then you are dangling….plus who wants to work when no-one else is?
Since I parted from the corporate world, I have had to learn the discipline of working at a home office when there are a myriad of distractions and then there’s the internet…..I’ve got that hard coded now, but it seems extra difficult these two weeks….
I got the chance to see my new 19 week old nephew in Westchester this weekend. Reminds me of all the care it takes to raise a baby and how much was showered on me. Makes me grateful when other things aren’t so great. On my Westchester trip I got the chance to ‘rescue’ a Junior’s chocolate swirl cheesecake(or as I call it a ‘cheese pie’) from Grand Central Station, easily the best cheesecake I’ve ever had.
Now’s the time to think about resolutions as well. There’s the usual, like losing a few pounds or bieng a bit more tidy(perhaps a maid service and doing more walking). I need something bigger though so stay tuned…..