Plan the foundation for a great conference

Dan Rayburn is the Executive Vice President for, and conference chairman for Streaming Media East and West which are conferences in the streaming and online video industry. The events attract over 5,000 attendees combined. I originally interviewed Dan in 2007 for the SISO newsletter. Since I feel the topic is even more relevant now, […]

5 Key Things You Must Have to Reach an Event Attendance Goal

I’ve been involved in a couple of recent projects in which acquiring attendees have been harder than usual. Instead of ruminating about the market conditions or the economy as contributing factors, I thought I might recap the main ingredients in my ‘recipe’ for a plan for hitting an attendance target. Doing so has helped me […]

Will the Industry’s Mega-Shows Survive the Good Times?

Again I welcome back Michael Hart, the industry renown journalist and thought leader for his views on the ‘good times’ for our industry and why you shouldn’t ‘follow the leader’….. ——————————————————————————————————— According to the Center for Exhibition Industry Research’s 2015 wrap-up report, the tradeshow industry grew a substantial 3.7 percent last year. That’s nearly double […]

11 Qualities Your Event Marketer Must Have

As I complete my own event projects and observe others, I often ruminate about what it takes to make a great event marketer. Given the difficulty in getting attendance for events, I find that good event marketers are becoming as rare as good event sales people. And I know this because I am frequently asked […]

2 Huge Mistakes Which Will Kill Your Event

This was an article which appeared in Bob James blog last month, The Mighty Copywriter. I liked it so much I am using it again… ______________________________________________________________________________ Having been around in the business awhile, I have had the luxury of watching great shows come and go, like watching cruise ships in the harbor. Bob asked me […]

How to Attract C-level Attendees to Your Event : Q&A with Sam Lippman

Having attended The Exhibition and Convention Executives Forum (ECEF) I have been impressed by the number and level of attendees Sam Lippman is able to garner at each one. In my mind, it succeeds for three reasons: 1) Its location in DC where many of the attendees work or can easily get there and back […]

The 5 Easiest Attendee Marketing Mistakes You Can Make Today

Michael Hart, the industry renowned journalist and thought leader is back! I asked him to provide  his views on what attendee marketing mistakes he is seeing, and here’s what he had to say, enjoy!  ——————————————————– Look at the latest tradeshow industry news reports and you’d get the impression problems are officially solved for all the show organizers […]

Why Building a Green Event Can Make a Difference

I am in the process of managing an event in the environmental/sustainability sector. One thing that I’m driving within my team is a plan to make the ‘green’ aspect of the event so we are consistent with our marketing messaging. So far, the embrace of green in the events business has been an interesting journey. […]

Add the ‘Fear of Missing Out’ to Your Event

I’ve often ruminated that of all the thousands of events that exist, only 5% represent those that I’d consider as ‘must attend.’ These are the events where your absence will be noted, whether you are an attendee, speaker, sponsor or exhibitor. They are the kinds of events that prompt a ‘fear of missing out” (FoMO)– […]

How to Build a Key Account Strategy Which Doubles Sponsor Sales

It’s been a long time since I have chatted with Dave Lutz of Velvet Chainsaw, and I am glad I did recently. I was delighted to catch up with him given that he agrees that the top problems with events, in order of impact, are: Not making enough money Not getting enough attendees Not getting […]