Here we go again

As I mentioned before, the current downturn or ‘recession’ hasn’t affected my business, in fact my business has increased over last year. Except for companies ‘high in the pipeline’ perhaps, ie that don’t have immediate needs, I am seeing a fruitful landscape.

What I am seeing however is that discretionary spending and travel is being cut way down, affecting attendance. On speaking with event producers and potential attendees, it’s clear that the content of events need to be on the money, as well as getting to the right people early, so that you have an even chance of getting those attendees to register, and, if exhibition visitors, to actually show up.

My overall answer to this is to add massive value to your events(free sessions, consultants corners, free reports) and publish at least the titles and companies of the people attending on your website so prospective attendees can see all the value they’ll be missing if they don’t show up.

I interviewed a high ranking executive for my SISO column a while back he said that you should
cut operations costs and increase marketing investment when times are tough. Hard to do, but what’s the option?

In any case, make sure your content is rock solid, your relationships with stakeholders tight, your marketing targeted at the right people and you’ll survive for the next upturn. Sounds easy in theory, harder in practice.

Hang in there for now…..

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