If you know me well, then you know that I am a fan of Tony Robbins. For those of you looking to make real change, check out Personal Power II http://www.tonyrobbins.com/Solutions/ProductsDetail.aspx?ProductID=711&SubCategory=Multimedia, it’s still a major resource for me to this day.
Last weekend, I went down to NYC to see him speak at the Javits at the Learning Annex Wealth Expo. Besides having to sit through an annoying Bill Zanker intro, it was an incredible experience again, all for $100.
Why should you care? Because if you are committed to success, then all you have to do is priortize success, and all the right ‘micro-decisions’ ie deciding for the long term rather than the easier short term choice. Assuming you have decided to succeed then you need to get yourself into a peak ‘state’ to give you massive momentum. At this seminar, you usually end up screaming your head off and jumping up and down, but afterwards you feel incredible….
For someone running my own business, having a plan to smooth out the ups and downs(especially downs) is essential when there is no boss to give you a kick up the backside.
And it was nice to see the Javits, still a busy place, even on the weekend…