Why Does a Show Die? What Can You Do to Prevent it?

The death of a show usually is a long time in coming. Often important things have been neglected and the signs of difficulties are there, but they’ve been ignored for a long time. Or the market served by an event disappears or diminishes in value, thus prompting attendees and exhibitors to go in new directions. […]

The Penalty of Not Knowing Your Exhibitors

I know of a company which wanted to launch an event in a crowded market. Now of course to have a successful show you need to have attendees and visitors. For a profitable show however, you also need to have enough sponsor and exhibitor revenue, ie exhibitors on the floor. This is because the revenue […]

Keeping Your Head When All Else is Crumbling

One of the things that really has helped me in life is keeping calm when all around is going wrong. This is especially helpful at events where I must solve problems in real time and it’s not always evident that there’s a solution readily available. I have seen a real difference between those times when […]

Idiot Marketing Messages

Here are some examples of what I consider to be idiot marketing messages:   Last chance to sign up is Friday! Hours left to save – register today! Early bird pricing extended! High-level content at ABC Conference! Elite Expertise at XYZ Summit! Breaking News: XYZ to keynote Acme Conference   You may ask why I […]

Six steps to avoid event marketing disaster

Can your events marketing staff pivot away from disaster toward success? For most event companies, the answer is mostly no. They have staffs that were trained by ‘the  book’ and struggle with the proper and timely response to negative results, often persisting with plans that are not working. Or, as the event looms ever closer, […]

Why looking out for #1 makes sense

One of my touchstone books is “Looking Out for Number One”  Sounds like a selfish idea right? Wrong. Knowing what your needs are and ‘delivering’ them to yourself is a critical first step to making sound transactions and building lasting relationships. Of course, you need to meet the expectations of partners, customers and friends for […]

How to Master Attendee Acquisition When Launching a New Event

I have a few event launches under my belt, having been in the business for the past 28 years. Many elements of a launch are the same, regardless of the event, and there’s a proven formula for success. But first-time events are a different story. What is unique there is the need to get enough […]