Events Matter! Newsletter
Musings, in-depth analysis and trends on event-specific topics.

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Why you should replace 20% of your sales staff – NOW
I have strong opinions about sales staffs, having managed them in some shape or form since 1996. As I’ve previously written, I believe only 20% of salespeople are more than order takers. Given that assertion, I was asked recently, “What about the other 80% of our sales staff? How should I manage
Have We Failed to Innovate in Our Events? An Insider’s Perspective from David Saef
I met David Saef at the recent Exhibit Sales Roundtable and was impressed both by his presentation (though not necessarily agreeing with everything) as well as his overall point of view about our industry. David is the SVP of Strategy at Freeman. In that role he helps Freeman’s many clients
Will your lack of respect for your customers come back to bite you?
A colleague advised me when I started in the business that I should “do as little as possible while trying to get the maximum out of others.” Left unsaid, but understood, was the presumption that as long as I got mine, making the minimum effort was OK.Fortunately for my bosses and
How to Get More Revenue When Your Customer Budgets Are Shrinking
Times are tight. Even though ‘events are back’ your exhibitors are cutting back, as evidenced by their smaller budgets. They are returning neither your calls nor your emails. How do you reverse this trend and accelerate the process needed to increase your sales? You CAN increase sales year over year, even
Event Marketers Who Focus Exclusively on Spreadsheets and Analytics Will Kill Their Events
Attendee profiles are constantly changing. Those who attended our events in the past may no longer be candidates as they are changing jobs within their current industry, retiring, or have taken new jobs in other industries. Given such changes, can we really know who next year’s attendees will be with any
A Tiger Unleashed: An Event Marketing Expert Devours the Challenge
Nicole Peck is one of my favorite industry friends. She’s a tough negotiator who’s both smart and driven, and her career has gone from strength to strength. Nicole is the vice president of marketing for global events at Foundry (formerly IDG – a company for whom I previously worked) and she’s